ROY Owens for City Council District - 7.

VOTE****  ROY OWENS FOR CITY COUNCILLOR DIST - 7 **** Sept, 9 and Nov, 4, 2025  ********** WE SUPPORT ROY OWENS FOR CITY COUNCILLOR DIST - 7 Guest Book LETTER TO VOTERS Sponsored by Save The Children CURRENT EVENTS Comment and Appointment GOD ON CORONAVIRUS BY APOSTLE ROY OWENS Roy Owens for CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT -7 Sept, 09, Primary and Nov, 4, 2025 Genera What's New Custom Rich-Text Page Welcome To My Slide Show Photo 4

Roy Support Changing the Gang's Game, Roy support The Steven Odom Charity Basketball Games, for stopping the violence amoung youth.



Listen to 24 Hr Great Gospel on Radio Alpha Omega


We support ROY OWENS for Traditional Family Values, because he support the Steven Odom Peace for Charity Basketball to CHANGE THE GAME and keep the children SAFE. David, Melody,Ariana, Roy, Devon and Tiffanuy


Roy speaking and working with the clergy. Roy support Faith Base Programs. Thank you for YOUR VOTES For Roy Owens,For CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT -7 ON Sept, 9 primary, and Nov, 4, 2025. Final.


A friend in need is a friend indeed together we stand and divided we fall, we are human, we are people, we are somebody let us stand together, with our brother Roy Owens. *IN MEMORY OF* (Yvonne Simpson)