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AFRICAN AMERICAN AND CHRISTIANS COVENANT WITH GOD WHICH PARTY WILL YOU CHOOSE VOTE FOR LIFE OR DEATH MAKE COMMON SENSE MAKE SENSE Tuesday - November 4, 2025 VOTE ROY OWENS FOR CITY COUNCILLOR DISTRICT -7 HE IS A MAN THAT IS FIRM, FAIR, AND CONSISTENT. IF YOU BELIEVE IN FAMILY VALUES, LOWER TAXES, EDUCATION REFORM, AND JOB CREATIVITY We need to put forth a serious campaign to help educate and SAVE OUR COMMUNITY. Our Youth are our future. Our Homeowners need a tax break. Our Senior Citizens have the right to be secure in their own homes. A vote for Roy is for cleaner Neighborhoods and better schools. I believe that if we, the political, religious and private community work together we can secure all Safety and Health Issues, and provide Treatment on Demand for the poor and the needy. The power is in your hands The Democrats who fought to keep blacks, women and people of color in bondage have been fighting to destroy the Republican Party. Today they are fighting to destroy Juneteenth, by call it Pride Month, they took prayer out of the Schools, and they have started wars in American and around the world for power and population control of minorities and weak countries. The Democrats are destroying our schools, our churches, our country and the American way of life with deception especially in the minority communities. We are living and dying by the power of the god of the media. The real God of Spirit, Water and Blood we have for saken for death destroction.
They believed all men were created equal as enshrine it in our Constitution. After the War of Independence, there was only one party, The Independent Party where everyone was equal and no special interest groups or government would be in control. Rich slave owners decided to break their promise to end slavery and guarantee women suffrage, so they started the Democrat Party. The Democrats planned to destroy the US Constitution and set up a kingship to maintain slavery. The Republican Party was founded by black people in 1854, 9 years before the Abolition of Slavery 1863, The Republican Party was founded to stop the Rich Democrats Party slave owners from advancing slavery throughout America. Abolitionist like Sojourner Truth, William Lloyd Garrison, Fredrick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony and other God fearing people’s came together in prayer meeting. They took an oath to elect people from among them, (See Jeremiah 30:19-23) who would teach God, Prayer and the Constitution in our Schools above all things. (Norah and Enoch prophesized man greatest hindrance to overcoming sin is the lack of morality, (God is Morality} perverted sex, mental and physical abuse driven by greed and economics power). Sojourner Truth was born in 1797 as Isabella, Isabella lived isolated from other African slaves, and she suffered unwanted Secular mental and physical sexual abuse at the hands of her masters. Inspired by her conversations with God, which she held alone in the woods, Isabella walked to freedom in 1826. Although tempted to return, however a vision from Jesus “baptized her in the Holy Spirit” and gave her to power to trust God for freedom as many African Americans who called on the supernatural power to survive injustice and oppression. Starting in 1843 Sojourner Truth became the greatest Evangelists that have ever lived. Truth delivered what is now recognized as one of the most famous abolitionist women’s rights speeches in American history “Ain’t I a Woman?” Douglass spoke of the need for blacks to seize freedom by force. As he sat down, Truth asked "Is God gone?" Although much exaggerated by Harriet Beecher Stowe and other writers, this exchange made Truth a symbol for faith in nonviolence and God's power to right the wrongs of slavery and the Liberation of Slavery of Black folks, and later in Jackson, Michigan in the area where Sojourner lived and the Republican Party was created. Sojourner meeting drew some of the most famous future leaders of the world. Famous people attended the meeting like Fredrick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Abraham Lincoln. These individuals came to decide the future of the world as prophesied by Norah and promised by God in the book of Hebrew by faith. Sojourner stated if one woman can turn the world upside down than an organization of woman can turn it right side-up. On July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan Republican Party was born, from Sojourner blood, sweat and tears, often called the GOP “short for “Grand Old Party” it is one of two major political parties in the United States. Founded in 1854 as a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories, the Republican Party fought to protect the rights of African Americans after the Civil War. Today’s GOP is generally socially conservative, and favors smaller government, less regulation, lower taxes and less federal intervention in the economy. The Democrat party has fought to keep blacks slaves, economical poor, ignorant. Democrat starts war and push abortion to control the minority population. Sojourner Truth died in Battle Creek, Michigan; in 1883 her last words were about not judge God ways of delivering his people from slavery to freedom, but just preach the word and "be a follower of the Lord Jesus. These same black Republican with the help of Faith Base believers around the world has fought to make Juneteenth a National Holiday, Democrat party will not uphold our Constitution; they oppose Christians on the Supreme Court like Justice, C Thomas. They want Justice who doesn’t believe in equal health care for children they favor Justices who support Pride Indoctrination or atheist causes, over the average citizen. If reelected, they plan to change the Constitution for electing Supreme Court Justices. Use their power to circumvent equal rights to vote for US citizens. They will not defend our democracy because it means giving power to the states; they are using our children education, to undermine marriage and the family. The Pride Indoctrination Party formally known as atheist, had prayer taken out of the schools to destroy the knowledge of God and true freedoms, they are destroy American and take away our individual freedom to choose, they are dividing us, mental and physically. The Secular Movement has been led by some extraordinary figures Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Margaret Sanger, (organization paid minorities leaders to indoctrinate their followers with Secular Pride, which has taken away children right to live in name of women right’s ) Nick Fisher and Alison Gill and now American’s Voice for Population Stabilization founded in 1968, are now Secular Pride. Secular Pride leaders such as; Nick Fisher first President of the American Atheists, world , who is openly gay along with Alison Gil, the Vice President of Litigation and Policy, servers as the first openly trans woman in a senior leadership position in any atheist organization. Fish stated they are continuing the work of the Founder of the Secular Movement. The Atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair, (organization had laws pass in 1963 denying children their civil right to pray in public schools) spent her life collecting money and gold, she believed gold was God, and her friend murdered O’Hair for her gold. O’Hair goal was to replace the worship of God with Secular Pride indoctrination across the world; she used minority’s leaders to Indoctrinate Secular Pride into their followers for gold power. Population Connection (formerly ZPG or Zero Population Growth) says they want to reduce infant and child mortality, by in mean necessary. Why? Must all monies from our government designated for African American, people of color and our nations go through the LGBTQ administration. The murder rate in the communities of color is similar to the abortion rates of 70%. I believe there has been enough killing. People of color make up approximately 70% of all abortions. Among men, Black males makeup 70% of all Aids Cases, and 80% of Black Females among women. Drugs and aids are an epidemic with our youth and we need treatment on demand. According to statistics approximately 85% of all people who used drugs are Caucasians. Black Americans make up approximately 15% of the overall population and 85% of the prison population. Massachusetts lead the nation for 2ndtrimester abortion and most abortion clinic are located around the African American community. It has been predicted, by the year 2020 80% of the black population between the age of 15 and 50 will be wiped out by aids, drug, prison and other infectious disease. We are dying at twice the birth rate. 90% of the 80% of the women who died in the covid-19 Flu shots epidemic were Black Women, not from Aid, Gun, prison but from shots they was forced to take if they wanted food, visit a friend, or just go to work, as demanded by HOME LAND SECURITY , under the order of President Biden and Kamala Harris Democrat Leadership. Population Connection (formerly ZPG or Zero Population Growth) says they want to reduce infant and child mortality, by in mean necessary. Why? must all monies from our government designated for African American, people of color and their nations go through the Deep State or Secular Pride Indoctrination tied to abortion and etc, .before being distributed to us and countries like Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe where the population has gone from 7 members per house whole to a – 6. Without these young people as the economic development base of these countries their economy will collapse. Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood, original called eugenics. Sanger was a member of the free Liberal sex Club and a big support of the Anarchrist-run Ferrer Center; She joined the Women’s Committee of The New York Socialist Party. Sanger was an unfaithful wife, she had no love for blacks and minorities, she stated they were undesirable’s weeds that were unfit for have children and need to breed out of the community by any means necessary. Sanger and Hitler were friends and the main mover of the racist eugenics of ablest ideology that label certain races of people as unfit. Before Eugenics they were call KKK. KKK was founded as the military arm of the Democratic Party (DNC) and today they are called the Deep State or Secular Pride of the DNC. SPONSORED BY, CHAMPION’S OF FAITH MINISTRIES |
Hydroxychloroquine, is a quinoline medicine which was discreidited by the media, and WHO during President Trump time now time, to make him look bad as president, as an evil drug,although it have been usedtcure all kind of diseased for over a hundred year. for Malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, discoid or systemic lupu erythematosus and so on. Listen to this business man tell about how bad the media lie to people about their health. The WHO now in said bad thing Hydroxychloroquine is now saying in 2024 they are allowing testing or on disease like Lichen Sclerosus and find it the best all around medicine with little or no side effect. There are over 30 drug on the market that does nothing but make people sick and Hydroxychloroquine stand out as the best medicane, less side effect if any.
I am running for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 5TH SUFFOLK. As you know we are currently facing a leadership crisis, I believe if we put our faith in God and our trust in Godley principles. I believe your vote for Roy Owens will Change the tide of history, and serve notice to the other candidates. "We are People, We are Human, and we are somebody" THE KINGDOM IS IN YOUR HANDS.
Now I am asking you to Roy Owens for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 5TH SUFFOLK ON NOVEMBER 05, 2024.
Your donations and volunteer work would be greatly appreciated. Please call 617-516-6163 and volunteer for; Polls workers - Holding signs - Making calls - Door to Door - Car parade and ride to the polls on Election Day.
Send Donation to; 2 Otisfield Street / Dorchester Massachusetts / 02121
Web site; Email: Tel; 617-516-6163
ON NOVEMBER 04, 2025
"We Are People, We are Human, We are Somebody" THE KINGDOM IS IN YOUR HANDS
We have a Leadership disaster, self inflicted wounds & Judicial Malpractice - Economic disaster, Housing and Transportation - Education disaster, Voter & Criminal Ignorance of the law - Medical disaster, Gentrification & Genocide -Working Together WE Can Change Things.
Be a volunteer 2 OTISFIELD ST call 617-516-6163_____________
___Website: http://www.royowensboston.mysite.com_______________/ _